The Union seeks to achieve the following goals and objectives:

A.  Organizing and unifying the efforts and potentials of Jordanian women to defend their gains and rights.

B.  Preventing any form of discrimination against women.

C.  Confirming and strengthening the status and role of Jordanian women in society, and enabling them to exercise their rights as citizens, workers, and housewives; based on the principles of equality, justice, equal opportunities, participation, and respecting human dignity and rights.

D.  Raising Jordanian women's awareness of their role and rights, and enhancing their participation in various fields.

E.  Seeking to integrate Jordanian women into the development of the local community, improve their social status, and enable them to better invest their creative and productive potentials.

F.  Seeking to overcome legislative, economic, social, cultural, and other obstacles that prevent the full realization of women's rights as stipulated in international conventions, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Jordanian Constitution, and the Jordanian National Charter, as a minimum.

G.  Activating the role of Jordanian women and enabling them to perform their duties to enhance Jordan's independence, consolidate the democratic approach, and protect the sovereignty and national culture.

H.  Seeking to enable women to obtain health care and protection in general, and in the field of reproductive and sexual health and maternal and child care in particular, in addition to spreading health culture, empowering women, benefiting from family planning activities, and striving to develop these services.

I.   Seeking to empower women to benefit from and contribute to building civil society, in addition to protecting and promoting human rights in general, and women and children’s rights in particular.

J.   Providing women with skills, knowledge, experiences, capabilities, and various services that enable them to contribute to improving and protecting the natural and demographic environment, improving the families’ standards of living, ensuring the well-being and the stability of their members, especially children, and enabling them to defend the interests and rights of the family.

K.  Contributing to achieving women’s alphabet, legal, cultural, and political literacy.

L.  Supporting and assisting Palestinian women in defending their legitimate national rights.

M. Supporting and assisting Arab women, and cooperating with them to achieve the common goals.

N.  Practicing solidarity with women in the world in their just causes

The Federation seeks to achieve the following goals and objectives

Organizing and unifying the efforts and energies of Jordanian women to defend their gains and rights. Addressing any form of discrimination against women. Confirming and strengthening the status and role of Jordanian women in society and enabling them to exercise their rights as citizens, workers and housewives, based on the principles of equality, justice, equal opportunities, participation and respect for human dignity and rights. Raising women’s awareness Jordan for its role and rights and to enhance its participation in various fields. Seeking to integrate Jordanian women into the development of the local community