JWU conducted a training on "Health response and cases of GBV"
As part of the efforts to train and build the capacity of the staff, JWU conducted a training on “Health response and cases of GBV” for the health service providers in JWU clinic, social workers and psychologist at JWU hotline program from all JWU branches and centers.
The training started with identifying violence as a public health problem, followed with the definition of gender-based violence, and identifying its types and its consequences, with focus on health implications of violence against women. Expanded discussions took place on the values, concepts and multi-sectoral response (social, psychological, health and legal) to GBV.
The training also revised with the participants the objectives and guiding principles for the initial support and response, as well as the essential services provided by JWU to women survivors of GBV and those vulnerable to it. In addition to that the training addressed adolescence and early marriage and the need to have legislations compliant with the international comprehensive protocol and JWU’s internal protocol.
In the end of the training the facilitator; PhD. Amal Mabrook, conducted a post-evaluation and highlighted that the aim of the training was to reach a comprehensive and harmonious understanding for:
- The rules, protocols as well as the referral and follow up mechanisms.
- The health repercussions that of GBV that have physical, psychological and behavioral implications, that can be fatal and threaten the life of the victim.
The facilitator Mukarram Odeh highlighted how the internal JWU protocol contributed to important milestones in finding solutions, training and empowerment. The staff faced challenges and obstacles during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the sustainable work plans and the flexible yet strict measures.