Capacity Building Trainings on the topic of human trafficking for civil society organizations and JWU centers
During two weeks and targeting two groups JWU conducted Capacity Building Trainings on the topic of human trafficking for civil society organizations and JWU centers as a part of the project “Raising awareness on Human trafficking in Jordan and the region” this project is funded by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Palestine & Jordan. During the training sessions the trainers tackled different topics, Definition of Human trafficking, Definition of human trafficking in the national conventions, Anti-trafficking law, indicators and forms of anti-trafficking, referrals, protection and interviewing the victims. After that a discussion between the trainers and participants took place.
The role of the civil society organizations was discussed and JWU was an example on how to work with trafficking victims.
The trainings took place at JWU head quarter in Amman during 22nd – 23rd of June and 27th – 28th of June, the training was conducted by Dr. Mohannad Al-Shebly and JWU executive manager Mokaram Odeh.