Other News

A call for the Arab Human Rights Organizations In response to the war crimes against Gaza
A call for the Arab Human Rights Organizations In response to the war crimes against Gaza
Multiple Arab civil society organizations have rejected American government’s funding early on, due to the conditions contradicting with the interest and benefit of our people and countries, and in response to the American bias in favor of the Israeli occupation and their occupation of Iraq.
Today the American attitude transcends bias towards Israeli occupation to embroilment in the crimes in Gaza, and full partnership with the occupation and disregard to the international humanitarian law, pressuring Arab countries to accept another dispossession of the Palestinians in Gaza. Therefore; it becomes unacceptable and unjustifiable that other organizations are compelled to depend on American funding for their activities. Thus, we urge all the organizations and institutions that still cooperate with the American Embassy, we urge them to boycott American Embassies across the Arab countries not just for the time being, but permanently, through the following:
- Cease any form of dealing with the American Embassies in the Arab countries, and boycott their activities and official invitations.
- Cease receiving American assistance resembled in American governments funding through any of its agencies.
- Refrain to attend activities funded by the American government and its agencies.
- Reverse the awards received by human rights defenders from the American government or its embassies around the world.
Glory and perpetuity for resistance and the Palestinian people in Gaza.
Signed by:
Jordanian Women’s Union
The link to sign the appeal, which is also available on our Facebook page.