Other News

Denunciation Telegram from Jordanian Women's Organizations
Denunciation Telegram from Jordanian Women's Organizations
The European Union Delegation in Amman
The German Embassy in Amman
The French Embassy in Amman
The British Embassy in Amman
The Italian Embassy in Amman
We, the undersigned women's organizations, hold you and your governments legally and morally responsible for the war crimes and acts of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip. We do not witness a silence stand in the face of the occupation's crimes, nor the endorsement of its narrative. Instead, we witness your explicit support and justification of these crimes, making you, in our view, accomplices in the crimes against civilians, including children, women, and men.
Today, we witness the destruction of buildings and the loss of more than 2,200 civilian Palestinians martyrs – and counting- including 700 children, and including medical relief personnel, and journalists. We also witness the exposure of your positions, which have long claimed to defend the values of freedom, democracy, and human rights. However, you now appear to endorse "intentional attacks on civilian populations, deliberate killings, extensive property destruction, deliberate attacks on civilian areas, on buildings dedicated to religious and educational purposes, hospitals, medical units, places where the sick and wounded are gathered, attacks on relief and healthcare workers, orders to displace civilian populations, use of internationally prohibited weapons, cutting off water and electricity, and blocking humanitarian supplies." All of these are elements of war crimes according to the International Criminal Court's standards, which you have disregarded along with the principles of international humanitarian law.
Instead of adhering to these laws and fulfilling your legal responsibilities by condemning Israeli aggression and working to hold the occupation leaders accountable, you have deemed all these crimes as self-defense and provided unlimited support. Furthermore, you have suppressed protests in support of the Palestinians and condemning the occupation's crimes.
We, as organizations and people, believe that the Palestinian people's right to resist the occupation is legitimate and guaranteed by international law. The United States and your countries' alignment with the occupation has prolonged it and its crimes. Your positions towards the ongoing aggression on Gaza make you complicit in the crimes.
We urge you, in accordance with your obligations under international humanitarian law, to clearly and explicitly condemn Israeli’s crimes in Gaza, stop providing support to it, and pressure for an end to the aggression against Gaza and its people. Furthermore, stop pressuring Egypt to deport Gazans and ensure the urgent delivery of medical and humanitarian aid. In addition to respecting your citizens' right to express their opinions and demonstrate in support of the Palestinians.